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Increase training retention with real-time email mark-up, gamification, and positive reinforcement to start harnessing the power of humans.

What is Catch Phish?

Catch Phish is an email analysis tool designed to educate users on how to positively identify phishing emails with the click of a button. Cyber criminals continue to choose phishing as their attack vector of choice, making a robust phishing program a critical component of every cybersecurity program. Catch Phish brings real-life education and real-time protection where users are most vulnerable - their inbox.

Available right inside your Outlook email platform, Catch Phish makes training frictionless and increases productivity for users! Powered by machine learning and artificial intelligence, Catch Phish is a sophisticated tool that continues to advance as cyber criminals alter and improve their tactics.

How does it work?

Our cybersecurity program includes routine simulated phishing tests to teach users how to identify malicious phishing attempts. If an employee believes they’ve received a phishing email, they simply click “Catch Phish” in their toolbar! If a phishing simulation is correctly identified, users instantly earn a reward. When a user identifies an email not recognized as part of a phishing test, they are encouraged to confirm the validity with “Send for Analysis”, a feature built to provide in-depth training by highlighting red flags found within the email so they can learn what to watch out for in future attempts.

Employees are inundated with daily tasks, and distraction leads to mistakes. Traditional phishing programs leave users with few options to further their knowledge and rely solely on training retention in real-life situations. Our program is different.

When a suspicious, unrecognized email has been identified, employees are encouraged to click “Send for Analysis” inside the Catch Phish sidebar to instantly scan the email looking for red flags.


Catch Phish is Fun!

Check out your Employee Secure Score (ESS) in the Cyber Portal. Get points for mini-training, and for Catching Phish in your email. See how your Catch Phish skills compare to your co-workers.