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Breach Prevention

Safeguard Your Organization and Reputation from Cyber Criminals by Focusing on Internal Security First

We recognize the importance of empowering employees through self-improvement, personal protection, and engaging, relatable training that respects their dignity. With human error responsible for over 92% of data breaches, focusing on the weakest link is critical to strengthening your organization’s security.

Password recycling is a widespread problem


Reusing a breached password puts that account at risk of being hacked. 59% of individuals confessed to frequently or always using the same password, even though 91% recognize it as a security risk.* 

Human error is the primary cause of most data breaches, reports estimate 88% to 95%


Employees who receive a login confirmation or file download may not realize they are being targeted. 66% of cyber criminals prefer email phishing as their attack method. 

Your Client Data Puts You at Risk


Storing customer data while having limited resources for cybersecurity can increase your organization's risk of a cybercriminal attack.


Dark Web Data Is There to Stay


Both LinkedIn and Dropbox have experienced significant data breaches exposing user information like email addresses, phone numbers, and professional details. Company accounts on these and other platforms can be compromised once credentials are exposed. They cannot be erased. 

Employee Vulnerability Assessment (EVA)

EVA boosts employee development and organizational security through gamified education. By leveraging advanced analytics, EVA transforms critical security metrics into an Employee Secure Score (ESS), pinpointing employees who may pose a potential risk for a data breach.
  • Brief, educational, and easily comprehensible videos and quizzes are delivered directly to end-users via the portal. Their scores are integrated with their annual security training course.
  • Ongoing dark web monitoring for business accounts tracks credentials, while personal scanning safeguards the accounts of employees' friends, family, and themselves.
  • AutoPhish enables us to collaborate with you to set your annual phishing initiatives and objectives for the year.
  • Policy acknowledgment is a crucial component of the ESS and a required step in improving scores, facilitating quicker acknowledgments and reducing the need for follow-ups with employees.

Why Your Spam Filter Isn't Enough

As technology evolves, so does the threat landscape. 48% of hackers and incident responders dedicate 1-5 hours each week to staying updated on security news, trends, and technologies.  The Ponemon Institute reports that organizations experience an average 64% improvement in phishing click rates after implementing a security training program and a 37-fold ROI with a phishing program. Block cybercriminals from progressing by strengthening your defenses with a solid layer of human security.

Defend Against Phishing

Phishing is the top attack method favored by cybercriminals. AutoPhish maintains security awareness through automated, simulated phishing campaigns.

Guarding Against the Dark Web

Continuous dark web monitoring notifies you immediately if employee credentials appear on the dark web. Implement password resets promptly to prevent breaches before they occur.


EVA Integrates Everything Seamlessly

EVA, our Employee Vulnerability Assessment, incorporates key security metrics with interactive features like a leaderboard and friendly competition to boost engagement.

Monitoring Records & Documentation

With written security policy templates and a policy acknowledgment portal, you can ensure employees understand the correct procedures and track their annual agreements effectively.

Staff Education & Awareness

Monthly security newsletters and personal dark web scanning capabilities help employees safeguard themselves both at work and at home.

Enhance Personnel Protections

Human error is responsible for 92% of data breaches. While annual security training addresses the fundamentals, ongoing weekly micro-security training ensures users stay current with the latest updates.


Next-generation analysis of key security metrics to rank your employees by their associated risk level with our Employee Vulnerability Assessment.

  • 45 minute online security awareness training course with certificate of completion
  • Dark Web Monitoring
  • Personal email account dark web scanning
  • Weekly Micro-Security Training Videos & Quizzes
  • Unlimited Phishing Simulations
  • Employee Vulnerability Assessment (EVA)
  • Monthly Security Newsletter